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How to Settle Your Own Debt Ebook

Learn how to settle your debt: Purchase My Ebook Here!

What you'll get:

  • Understanding of Debt Settlement
  • Know Your Rights and the Law
  • How to Negotiate With Debt Collectors

I am not an attorney or financial advisor. The information provided here is based on my understanding and experience in debt settlement and should not be considered as professional legal or financial advice.

What People Are Saying:

Years ago, as a young adult, I didn’t think about the consequences of my spending habits or the consequences of keeping my credit in good standing. I accumulated debt and it eventually became overwhelming trying to figure out how I was going to pay my debt off. I had no savings and didn’t know where to start. I met with J. Whit one day, we sat down and pulled my credit report.  We carefully reviewed my report and J. Whit recommended that I write down everyone on my credit report that I owed and the amount I owed them. After writing down everyone, and there was quite a few, he suggested I start by paying the smaller ones off first. As I paid the small amounts off, I started on the larger amounts.  It took me quite some time to get everyone paid off, but I successfully did it and I’ve kept my credit in tact ever since.

Angela F.

I came to J. Whit at one of the lowest points in my life. My father was dying, the family home was upside-down, and my credit was in shambles. J. Whit and his team took a look at everything I was facing and immediately went to work. Every burden my family was facing financially and with our credit was carefully explained, worked on, and eventually alleviated. Today, we are all in a better position credit wise and financially thanks to J. Whit and his team.

Brian A.